2014. június 14., szombat


THE 13TH WARRIOR (imdb.com)


01, Things were not always thus... /1:26/
02, Banned from home (the chase) /2:54/
03, Banned from home (the odd encounter) /1:01/
04, A messenger from the North /1:26/
05, The journey begins /0:45/
06, Listening / arrival at the village /3:59/
07, In Hrothgar's realm /1:03/
08, The slaughter /1:22/
09, Watching and waiting /5:26/
10, The eaters of the dead appear /1:39/
11, The 13th warrior /1:54/
12, The council /3:09/
13, Grey sky /0:55/
14, Building defenses /3:31/
15, Praying /1:30/
16, The fire dragon /10:41/
17, The aftermath /1:07/ *
18, The wisdom of an old crone /1:01/
19, Ibn & Olga /2:15/
20, Leaving the village /1:26/
21, The cave /2:17/
22, Inside the bowls of the Earth /1:30/
23, Gruesome discoveries /1:18/
24, Buliwyf's fate /2:07/
25, Escape from the cave /4:31/
26, Return to the village /1:44/
27, The Wendol's vengeance /1:24/
28, Bitter victory /1:06/

It is a rejected score written by GRAEME REVELL and LISA GERRARD.
 It is still unreleased.
* There is an other track under the title of 'The aftermath'.

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